KMST V307 ~ Multi Pet system changes

Yesterday I said the following:

I think this system is useless. One pet is good enough, multipet system should only be good if there is an advantage which there is currently not.

Another test server patch was released today. It was more of a bugfix patch, but the multi pet system was tweaked.
If you saw the multi pet UI image yesterday, you saw that there are three slots with ”Pet skill”.

You have pet skills in Cash Shop that can be bought and can be applied to the pet such as item pick up, HP potion etc.
This is different. They added something nice for lazy people~!

Yep, real skills. The two new pets (Skunk & Scuba Duck) were changed. They are able to auto buff you. You can drag your supportive skill like Haste or Booster or Thorns Effect or Shadow Partner from your skill window to the multipet UI and your pet will auto buff. Though, the animation won’t appear and I haven’t tested this out with party members.
So far the only pets that are able to auto buff you are the Skunk and Scuba Duck.

Let’s move on to another topic. I’m sure you have seen the two images from the 7th anniversary video of Racie.
I uploaded the same video hours later, but I discovered that the two images you see in the video of Racie were deleted in the video I uploaded.
It was probably the stuff we actually weren’t allowed to see. ~_~;

Ormykka made a comment yesterday about the images. He used his PhotoShop skills and this is what came out.

▲ [Source] Ormykka

Note: I added the scarred bears as reference.
Click on the image to enlarge.

And I thought it was a Birdo… It’s actually a Panda/Bear and it looks like it’s the Scarred Bear from the Aran quests.
You can see that this Mapler is riding some sort of machine and when he smashes on the ground, it causes the two enemies to flip upside down.
Is this going to be an engineer job?

In March I discovered that new skill names such as Quad Blow, Death Blow and Lasergun. A few days later a whole new job category was added.
The 7th anniversary of MapleStory is in a few days. With the content that has been released so far in Tespia, I must say that this anniversary is big.

I’m really excited~!

About Spadow
It's not who I am underneath... but what I do... that defines me.

68 Responses to KMST V307 ~ Multi Pet system changes

  1. Evan says:

    lol, auto- buffs?
    ppl must be really lazy and also, what if it buffs at the wrong time?
    instant death lol

  2. Kouga says:

    I think this is most likely the pirate “legend” that uses maurader skills and corsair skills. It could be a video of the pirate legend on some kind of speed boat and the pandas get on it, then the pirate smashes them off. There was a video on youtube someone made last year called “Smash Mushroom Collab” and at 4:23 of the video, they have this maurader/corsair person using these insane skills. You never know, nexon might have seen this video and used that idea for the pirate legend. (This is just my opinion/thoughts, not stating any facts)

    • thechazz says:

      lol but yeah i think its the pirate IF its 1 of the 3 … because wouldnt be mage … it wont do close range ( wel MAYBE if it uses a book as wep)cant be archer .. just cant so its the pirate … or a whole new job .. like they did with pirate .. would becool if it lives in a town were enginering would be the dayly living for them :)
      everytinhg kinda ancient and with alot of HUGE gears :)
      i can already imagin it

      • Devin says:

        Evan is the mage -_- Obvious reasons like in KMS and GMS you go to create it and it is listed under Hero which is the 5 heroes. Evan is just the successor.

    • MM says:

      There have been no legend job IDs added lately, only a new branch of jobs.

  3. Bnissley says:

    I think an engineer class would be really exciting.

  4. Unohano says:

    naw, sounds boring, of course being a new class it won’t be, im looking forward to a a possible bowman class

  5. MassCreed says:

    MY jaw drop when i connected the dots from riding a robot, and the new skills, and of course its korean content, THERE MUST BE MECH’S

  6. KH says:

    Mech-warriors, Gundam! The new job from that robot place (Neo Tokyo or whatever its called).

  7. AlOnE says:

    Perhaps this Machinery Job will be related with black magician and their secret base will be at Neo City/Tokyo

  8. Heavy says:


  9. NEXON says:


  10. SlayerGhost says:

    Auto buffs? Good God, Nexon is running outta ideas…

    I personally wouldn’t spend a dime on that, as I like standing around and randomly activating all my buffs (Haste, MG, Booster, PP, Chakra if my HP is low, Shifter, etc, etc)

  11. Zero says:

    HOLY CRAP!! maybe is a new branch?? or a new job.. if that so, there will be his cygnus version….

    • MM says:

      New branch, the job ID starts with a 3 – adventurers have no starting digit (xxx), cygnus knights are 1xxx, heroes are 2xxx, and as I said this is 3xxx. No way to tell if this is one of the 3xxx jobs they added a while back or a new job though, but I assume it’s one of the mage/pirate/archers from the 3xxx branch.

  12. JustSomeone says:

    thechazz :
    lol but yeah i think its the pirate IF its 1 of the 3 … because wouldnt be mage … it wont do close range ( wel MAYBE if it uses a book as wep)cant be archer .. just cant so its the pirate … or a whole new job .. like they did with pirate .. would becool if it lives in a town were enginering would be the dayly living for them :)
    everytinhg kinda ancient and with alot of HUGE gears :)
    i can already imagin it

    Sounds like the bigger ben or magatia! xD

  13. Chuey says:

    JustSomeone :

    thechazz :
    lol but yeah i think its the pirate IF its 1 of the 3 … because wouldnt be mage … it wont do close range ( wel MAYBE if it uses a book as wep)cant be archer .. just cant so its the pirate … or a whole new job .. like they did with pirate .. would becool if it lives in a town were enginering would be the dayly living for them :)
    everytinhg kinda ancient and with alot of HUGE gears :)
    i can already imagin it

    Sounds like the bigger ben or magatia! xD

    Yeah, like GMS will get exclusive content ever again.

  14. Warwolf says:

    ok this soudns awesome another new class? and it sounds VERY interesting :D

  15. Ghost says:

    If we can use the skills from other classes as auto-buffs, then this would be amazing.

    Doesn’t anyone else see that the character is using a 2H Hammer? And for all we know that machine could just be a new mount.

    • Ormykka says:

      Attacking mount? even better

    • SlayerGhost says:

      That’d make me quit in rage.

      That’d mean it’d be possible to buy your way out of all the faults for your class… fail. <_<

      • SlayerGhost says:

        That was directed at Ghost, btw.

      • Ghost says:

        What’s so bad about being a leader of your own mini-party?

        • Alilatias says:

          I think Slayer was referring to the ‘using buffs from other classes’ part.

          With that, there’d be absolutely no reason to play a class that isn’t high tier DPS, especially Bishops/Dark Knights. Everyone would be running around as an Aran/Bowmaster/NL/Dual Blade.

          • SlayerGhost says:

            Exactly what Alilatias is saying.

            We already have enough issues with certain classes being dmg whores without them being able to haste, HB, SE, rage, etc themselves…

  16. JustSomeone says:

    Thats what i said in the previous thread, i thought it was a lv 43 Maple Doom singer (The two handed mace) xD

    So many new jobs… wow but i’m still waiting for Dual Blade to come to GMS even though that might take ages.. xD

    And that skill actually looks pretty epic if you ask me. xD

  17. Zen says:

    Maybe its a pq where u get to ride a mech and kill stuff

  18. lol wow I was saying to my buddy “What if they made a job like Evan but you use a Giant Robot” This is cool!
    Weird looking robot…..wait a NEW job class again? when will we see the legends thats still missing if there are any???

    Nice post and auto buff is a great ideal

  19. hahaha says:

    “lasergun”? sounds pretty robo to me :D

  20. Alilatias says:

    thechazz :whats TF2?

    Team Fortress 2.

    People sometimes call it Meme Fortress 2, for obvious reasons. It helps that the universe is silly (in a good way) and the voice actors are crazy awesome.

    Go watch a few YouTube videos of it. Especially the official ‘Meet the [insert class here]’ videos. (There are nime classes – Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Spy, Sniper, Medic, and Engineer. Medic and Pyro don’t have their own ‘Meet The ____’ videos yet.)

    You won’t regret it.

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  22. Hanabira.Kage says:

    An Engineer class? …that sounds so La Tale. >.>

    • SlayerGhost says:

      But the difference between a MS Engineer and an La Tale Engineer is that the MS Engineer isn’t associated with a pure suck game. I also wouldn’t mind seeing the TwinBlade classes from Wonderking in MS.

  23. NovaNuvaMS says:

    Is this Engineer thing a pirate based class? Could the machine that the character is riding be a mechanical ship? Quite blurry, the machine might be a cannon? So many possibilities.

  24. MM says:

    Why do people keep referring to the new jobs in a singular mode? This is quite obviously one of the new jobs, since three separate jobs were added to the .wz files last time I checked (excluding 30xx, there was the mage 32xx, the archer 33xx, and the pirate 35xx.)
    ~ If it was changed to include only one class then please correct me.

    • Alilatias says:

      Going off of the pattern since KoC, in KMST, new classes are either released in pairs or one by one. All of the new skill data we’ve seen suggests that they’re all for a Pirate class, even though there’s evidence that there’s going to be an Archer and a Mage too.

      The Pirate is probably going to be the one that gets released into the test server first.

  25. Wind says:

    Help!!! A question…
    [You can drag your supportive skill like Haste or Booster or Thorns Effect or Shadow Partner and your pet will auto buff. ]
    The skill is the character’s ? Or the pet’s own skill? Or…we need to buy the skill for the pet?
    I thought it’s the character’s after I read your introduction…
    But I saw the similar news from other bbs that said we need to buy the skills from the cashshop…

  26. poeinstinct says:

    Reminds me of Corsairs/Captains

  27. Pingback: KMS V96 ~ 7th anniversary! « Spadow's Blog

  28. Raffaello Greco says:

    Wow. It would be so cool if they were making a spy class or sumthin. One that used lazer guns as primary wep but could use all sorts of gizmos and gadgets.

  29. Trokolol says:

    Let me think about how it will come out…

    Maybe you start of as a boy in the small mecha town, you go around there and level to lv10, after that the chief or whatever give you an errand to run, which you go to the map and u suddenly drop down a hole and lose conscious. After you wake up u saw this old mechanism, and you got capture by the pirates with the mecha. They then assume you are a engineer, then make you work for them in vic island. Which is far away from the mecha town, and blah blah blah you got yourself into the legendary job. LOL

  30. NovaNuvaMS says:

    This is probably the character related with the black mage. XD

  31. NovaNuvaMS says:

    Just look at the names of the skills it has the word Dark on some of it.

  32. Orysz says:

    Lol, He’s on the robot!

  33. BNE says:

    It could be a Space Pirate class. Just Guessing.

  34. Alexander says:

    this is my website. it has all the new pirate powers! Including the robot-riding 1. I think its called cyclone!…

  35. notorious says:

    hey spadow. the new skill icons. its confirmed. i see the machine summon skill :]

    • Spadow says:

      Don’t double post anything, please.
      This is not a forum!

      Confirmed? By who? They are fake.
      It’s not in the data nor can I find other Korean communities that have this kind of info.

      • notorious says:

        im sorry spadow. i saw this and got excited. i didnt kno it was fake tho. because i see the robot summon thing. anyways im sorry

  36. hana says:

    So this is why they didn’t make magic guard undispellable

    damn u nexon and ur money making scam

  37. fanwashere says:

    for the new job..i see astroboy riding on a horse…anyways OMG CAN’T WAIT

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